Operator by Caroline Bartleet
Operator is a 6 minute short film, based upon a true event of an emergency call. The film aims to promote the work of the operators and how they manage to remain so calm in such frightening moments. The film relies heavily on the use of sound to create the image of what is happening on the other side of the phone; a mother and her child stuck in a fire at home.
This clip is from the very beginning of the film. It begins with a black screen with a layover of sound from to scene to come, in which you can hear typing. As the shot becomes clear and the viewer grasps a greater idea of the setting of the scene; a computer room, then voices start to enter. In this little snippet there is a mixture of lots of different sounds that are clearly all coming from the same room. This creates a busy atmosphere, highlighting how the operators are under a constant sate of busyness. The voice of the actor in the forefront of this shot is heightened to match her distance to the camera and show that there are more operators around her doing the same heroic job.
In the establishing shot of the main plot line, this operator is the 4th to be shown on screen yet, the shot of her work area is seemingly different from the other 3:
As you can tell, these 3 operators are established with a much closer shot. However, the fourth operator is given a medium shot a long with a tracking movement across her work zone. This helps establish her phone call with more importance, increasing audience awareness, so raising tension
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