SHORT FILM - concerns and discussions

What will be difficult when it comes to making my film?
- making it look realistic and not corny
- making sure the story makes sense and is somewhat realistic
- possibility of acting taking away from the film

- after discussion, I have received feedback of the bin room - Will the actor want to lie down on a floor in a bin room?
--> chose not to use bin room in the end, the death instead takes place in the bedroom. This was more hygienic and easier to film.

Preliminary task
I did a preliminary task with Mabel using the cameras to get the gist of how best to shoot and what techniques to use. I learnt that its better to shoot a whole sequence and then repeat this at different angles, instead of filming in a stop/start manner. This way, I will have a lot of footage and so a lot of content and options when it comes to editing. It will also most likely look better and more natural on screen as the acting is on-going.
Also, in this preliminary task, Mabel & I were able to put into action the 180 degree rule and test our understanding. This was useful and I now feel more confident about using a camera.


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